The increase in the fine, is just another way for the police to steal more money from the public. OK, i agree driving whilst talking on the phone can be dangerous, if in the hands of a moron but most people i know are capable of driving properly whilst talking on the phone.
Its weird how this increase comes after the congestion charging zone in central london is extended to the west, which i don't think has helped decrease congestion around London, it just sends drivers to wait in traffic somewhere else in London, and after over million UK motorist said NO to the road pricing scheme, they should really take a hint .
The Police or should i say the Government need to think about who they're harassing i would rather have them spend money on tackling rapist, burglers and muggers or actually improve the public transport system.
The Reason for the outburst is that today i had to pay £60 and receive 3 points, because i got caught driving at 39mph in a 30mph zone, what makes this worse is the road they caught me on lead on to a road that has a 50 mph speed limit.
Thats Bullshit man, the police are scum - i bet they just had a day when they were like "ah we haven't stopped anyone today lets just pick on the next asian to drive by". Thats bad man and it makes me sick.
It is wrong how the police seem to use more of their time on motorist than anything else, but i guess thats just how it is.
lol, dam skippy!
LOL, wtf waj.
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