So this post is about the film hot fuzz, i saw this on the 18th, the sunday before i left for sheffield, and i gotta say this film really surprised me.
Firstly this film is made by the people who made Shaun of the Dead, which was a romantic comedy with Zombies. The Film was funny and quiet gory, but i don't think it appealled to everyone because the humor isn't your obvious laugh out loud type but more the suttle british humor. overall i thought this film was good, and showed the britsh can make good films.
Hot Fuzz is similar in the humor department but they replaced the zombie element with crazy action sequences. The action sequences don't come into the film until really late, as it goes with the whole story of the film, which is quite anti-climatic at points.

The main selling point of this film is the humor, without a doubt. the film makers seem to base the action and story around the humorous set pieces, which i think is gud thing, for instance one of the main characters gets inspiration from 2 crazy dumb hollywood action films Bad boys 2 and Point break and blantently copy bits from them, another moment is when a old woman is doing a drive by whilst riding a bike, there are a lot more, trust me.
So i said i was surprised by this film because i expected the same gags from Shaun of the dead, but they came up with more funnier gags and some good action sequences, the only thing that i felt let the film down was the short comings of the story, don't get me wrong it is a clever story, but the writers seem to take the easy way out in order to finish the film, which is shame but nothing to hinder on as the film is great.
I recommend everyone to watch it.
Might have to check it out, i thought it would be just another "Channel 5 Saturday Afternoon movie" but i guess not.
hmm..yea i liked the trailer but still is it worth going with a woman or with the guys?
It is a guys film, there aint really any romance in it.
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