Wednesday, 14 November 2007

PS3 it a worthy console after its first year?

Weeeellll, NO.

Heres one reason why they aint doing so well, GOOD EXCLUSIVE TITLES:

Its funny because it's true, there aren't enough exclusive titles on the PS3, let alone good ones. the PS2 was successful becuase of its exclusive titles and 3rd party support. At the moment Sony have the third party support, helping them to sell the console.

they Need to bring out MGS 4 before christmas. This title is a sure fire hit, and will also help shift those PS3s.

I think we gotta give Sony another Year or so before they stop making the PS3 or they actually start doing well, only time will tell.

On another Note the Wii is doing great, metroid prime 3 corruption looks amazing and so does Super Mario Galaxy, both games are getting amazing reviews from everyone. I really want to get a Wii but i know if i do i'll fail University, i'm gonna wait till june/july time to get one, so next summer is gonna be a summer of gaming.


Anonymous said...

Two Words: Wii Own You...wait hold on thats not two...

Aarif said...

LOL, you joker. Its good i haven't got one yet then.