I'm not too sure how i feel about the news of another Live action Street Fighter film. Apart of me thinks, that if the film is made properly, Another street fighter film will be GREAT, but then I'm reminded of the Van Damme debacle that came out all those years ago. Damn that film was SHIT, Everything about that film was wrong, from Kylie being Cammy to Ken doing a Hadouken (or a flash of light), it was absolute shit.
The film will centre round Chun Li. Why not centre the film around Ryu (mister Street fighter, himself), I have no clue. There's rumours circulating the net that Jessica Biel (Blade 3, Next, Texas Chainsaw Massacre: Remake) will take on the role of Chun li. I guess she kinda looks Oriental, but why not use an oriental actress like Ziyi Zhang?
The Director will be Andrzej Bartkowiak, who is suppose to be an action Specialist. Andrzej has directed Doom and Romeo Must Die, so we'll have wait and see how this will pan out, Hopefully it'll be good.
On other News, its been announced that a He-man, Thundercats and a Dragonballz movie will start filming next year, all films hoping for a successful release in 2009. I think Hollywood has absolutely run out of ideas.
ref: street fighter news
Thats a mistake, the last one was too childish. They should atleast have some serious plot and be rated 15 or 18 or something. None of that PG shit, No white guy except for Guile lol need to keep that ish fresh!
LOL. what about Ken. But seriously, I think the film can be good. I thought all the anime that came out using the street fighter name was good.
Sick it might be decent if theres a hot Cammy and Chun-li with a sick Ryu and Ken combo!
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