The big story that came out from this launch was that everyone who was registered to by a PS3 from the oxford street store, received a Sony Bravia 46" HDTV (DAMMMNNN), they also received a copy of resistance fall of man, and the usual Sony branded goodies.
I totally forgot about the launch of the PS3, and I was only reminded about it when i checked J's blog. The launch hasn't really hit me the way the Xbox 360 or the Wii launch did, i think this is because the PS3 has been surrounded by bad vibes from people who already have brought it, whilst the people who brought the Xbox 360 and The Wii only had Good things to say about it. Also there's no good launch titles out for the PS3, that would grab your attention.
Sony have started poorly against Microsoft and Nintendo, but once their big titles come out I'm sure it'll do well. I'm not planning on buying it until another year or so, only then i think the PS3 will shine.
The queue for the PS3 not as long as the queue for The Wii. LOL. For more on the launch click here.
If I knew they were going to give away a free TV I would've gone to the launch!! I would've bought the PS3 and then taken it back to another Virgin store for a refund.
LOL. I definately would of done the same thing.
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