There's a new trailer for Oceans 13 up, and it looks like they're back in Vegas.
I liked Oceans Eleven it was smart and funny, Oceans Twelve... wasn't. This has Al Pacino (yes Scarface) as the Bad Guy, and the guys want revenge because Al swindled one of the crew out of a deal.
Not expecting much from this film, either way it will make millions.
Friday, 30 March 2007
The new trailer or should i say teaser is out, check it out.
It looks like Rockstar have taken a more serious approach to this game, with the music sounding like they took it off the matrix and the whole look of the game looking more real, but then again improvements in the graphics department is expected. Graphics weren't a big issue with the GTA games, but going on to next Gen console, thats all your hearing about games that are coming out.
I'm not too sure where the game is set, but there is a building which has a sign saying Liberteen, which may suggest that it is going to be set in Liberty City once again. There have been stories circulating that the game was going to be set it New york, and you do see the statue of Liberty in the teaser, so it may just be set in New York or a whole new city that looks exactly like the Big apple.
I am slightly bored with the trailer it looks OK, but i think everyone expected a trailer which would show gameplay, all we got was a teaser of a city.
It looks like Rockstar have taken a more serious approach to this game, with the music sounding like they took it off the matrix and the whole look of the game looking more real, but then again improvements in the graphics department is expected. Graphics weren't a big issue with the GTA games, but going on to next Gen console, thats all your hearing about games that are coming out.
I'm not too sure where the game is set, but there is a building which has a sign saying Liberteen, which may suggest that it is going to be set in Liberty City once again. There have been stories circulating that the game was going to be set it New york, and you do see the statue of Liberty in the teaser, so it may just be set in New York or a whole new city that looks exactly like the Big apple.
I am slightly bored with the trailer it looks OK, but i think everyone expected a trailer which would show gameplay, all we got was a teaser of a city.
Wednesday, 28 March 2007
Eddie Griffin crashes Ferrari
Eddie Griffin went for a test drive with the producer of his new film Redline (looks shit).
Eddie Griffin + Ferrari Enzo = Crash
LOL, I can't help it for some reason it made me laugh, I know its wrong.
Eddie Griffin + Ferrari Enzo = Crash
LOL, I can't help it for some reason it made me laugh, I know its wrong.
Tuesday, 27 March 2007
Rocky 1-6 in 5 seconds
This made me laugh, so i thought i'd post it.
LOL. It was created by this guy on youtube who goes by the name guywithglasses. he's done over 50 of these summaries.
The films he summarised include:
LOL. It was created by this guy on youtube who goes by the name guywithglasses. he's done over 50 of these summaries.
The films he summarised include:
- Batman
- Back to the future 1,2,3
- Karate Kid 1
- The Departed (don't see it if you haven't seen the film)
- Spiderman 1
and others, in my opinion the rocky one is the best out of the lot.
Monday, 26 March 2007
GTAIV and God war 2 stuff!!!
I stumbled across the Grand Theft Auto 4 Website...

This is all that is there, a timer counting down to the trailer. I just expected more, but i guess its a way of creating even more anticipaton for the game. The trailer best be good.
A gamer who did a 999,999 hit combo on God of War 2, was shown this link after completing the combo. Well this is what he was greeted with.

Another damn count down, DAMN. Anyways Stories are circulating about what this website is about, and Sony have confirmed it has nothing to do the psp release of God of war, So what is it about ...
all Sony would say is
A clever marketing plow i know, but still i think it is smart. Click the pictures to go to the websites.

This is all that is there, a timer counting down to the trailer. I just expected more, but i guess its a way of creating even more anticipaton for the game. The trailer best be good.
A gamer who did a 999,999 hit combo on God of War 2, was shown this link after completing the combo. Well this is what he was greeted with.

Another damn count down, DAMN. Anyways Stories are circulating about what this website is about, and Sony have confirmed it has nothing to do the psp release of God of war, So what is it about ...
all Sony would say is
The website is for true God of War fans...Think of the original God of War.
A clever marketing plow i know, but still i think it is smart. Click the pictures to go to the websites.
Friday, 23 March 2007
Final Spiderman Trailer and Daywatch trailer
The final trailer to the new Spiderman film is up, check it out.
The only difference between this trailer and the other trailers / clips is that this trailer actually shows Venom, when he takes over Eddie Brock who is played by Topher Grace.
Also there's a trailer out for a Russian film called Daywatch which is the sequel to another Russian film called Nightwatch, check it out. Both films are apart of a trilogy.
The special effects in this film are amazing considering they wouldn't have had as much funding as a hollywood blockbuster would. I saw the Nightwatch, which is a really good film and ends on a apocalyptic cliffhanger, so this film should be good.
Here's a trailer for Nightwatch, just to show you how the trilogy started.
The only difference between this trailer and the other trailers / clips is that this trailer actually shows Venom, when he takes over Eddie Brock who is played by Topher Grace.
Also there's a trailer out for a Russian film called Daywatch which is the sequel to another Russian film called Nightwatch, check it out. Both films are apart of a trilogy.
The special effects in this film are amazing considering they wouldn't have had as much funding as a hollywood blockbuster would. I saw the Nightwatch, which is a really good film and ends on a apocalyptic cliffhanger, so this film should be good.
Here's a trailer for Nightwatch, just to show you how the trilogy started.
PS3 hits the UK!!!

The big story that came out from this launch was that everyone who was registered to by a PS3 from the oxford street store, received a Sony Bravia 46" HDTV (DAMMMNNN), they also received a copy of resistance fall of man, and the usual Sony branded goodies.
I totally forgot about the launch of the PS3, and I was only reminded about it when i checked J's blog. The launch hasn't really hit me the way the Xbox 360 or the Wii launch did, i think this is because the PS3 has been surrounded by bad vibes from people who already have brought it, whilst the people who brought the Xbox 360 and The Wii only had Good things to say about it. Also there's no good launch titles out for the PS3, that would grab your attention.
Sony have started poorly against Microsoft and Nintendo, but once their big titles come out I'm sure it'll do well. I'm not planning on buying it until another year or so, only then i think the PS3 will shine.
The queue for the PS3 not as long as the queue for The Wii. LOL. For more on the launch click here.
Thursday, 22 March 2007
Jet Li the New Mummy!!!

"Jet Li will be playing an emperor of ancient China, who is presumably woken from his curse sometime shortly after World War II"
The director of the film will be Rob cohen, he has directed Stealth, The fast and the furious, XXX and Dragon:The Bruce lee story.

Its Weird, i thought Jet Li had retired after making fearless, well i guess working with Jackie Chan is worth coming out of retirement.
PS3 price cut

We knew it would happen, it was just a matter of time. Alot of people (including me) have been put off by the price tag of the PS3. The PS3 is an impressive bit of kit but it isn't worth the £425 ($600), mainly because Blu-ray hasn't taken off as expected and the fact the PS3 hasn't got any killer apps, that would demand the PS3 to be brought, this is down to a lot of the games that were exclusive to the PS2 have had their sequels brought by Microsoft, so those titles aren't exclusive anymore, titles like Devil may Cry 4, GTA, pro evolution soccer, metal gear solid 4 etc.
Analysts have predicted that the PS3 will have a worldwide $100 price cut by October. The New kind of surprised me, because the other consoles have been out of longer and there has been no annoucement from Microsoft or Nintendo that they will do the same, if this does happen it will show Sonys desperation to get back into the market.
Wednesday, 21 March 2007
Gears of war movie coming to screens

Yep, its true the movie rights to gears of war have been snapped up by New Line cinema. The movie adaptation is being penned by Stuart Beattie, he's the guy who wrote "Collateral" (the Tom Cruise and Jamie Foxx film).
I'm not too sure how Gears of war will fair on the big screen, as i haven't played the game properly so i don't know anything about the story of the game.
The film is still in the early stages, so it won't be out until sometime in 2009.
click here for more information on the Gears of war film
Tuesday, 20 March 2007
Pirates of the caribbean: At Worlds End
The first trailer of the new pirates of the caribbean movie is here. check it out.
There is no surprise that Johnny depps character is back. I didn't think the second one was as good as the first, and this one seems alot bigger in scale (Chow yun fat is gonna kick some ass, LOL), this might be a good thing but could also turn out to be a bad thing, i'll just wait until may 25 and make a judgement then.
There is no surprise that Johnny depps character is back. I didn't think the second one was as good as the first, and this one seems alot bigger in scale (Chow yun fat is gonna kick some ass, LOL), this might be a good thing but could also turn out to be a bad thing, i'll just wait until may 25 and make a judgement then.
Monday, 19 March 2007
16 cars on 2 wheels
I found this video on metacafe, its an attempt to break a world record ...i think they did it.
16 Cars Run On Thier Left Tyres Only. - The most popular videos are a click away
I wonder how times they crashed before they got it right.
16 Cars Run On Thier Left Tyres Only. - The most popular videos are a click away
I wonder how times they crashed before they got it right.
Friday, 16 March 2007
WII on ya PSP!!!
why oh why would you want to play ya Wii on a psp.
well i guess you gotta get some use out of ya psp.
well i guess you gotta get some use out of ya psp.
Thursday, 15 March 2007
300 the movie
This film recently came out in America, and on its first weekend it racked up $70 million, which set a new record for March box office sales. But saying that there wasn't any other good films out, so it isn't much of a surprise that it did well at the box office.
300 hits the UK on the 23rd march, i'm definately gonna see this, it looks epic.
On another note The main character of the God of War series is a spartan, not that this has anything to do with the film, but if popular games to film conversions are concerned i think God of War would make a great film. With 300 doing so well i think a God of War film may be on the way...
300 hits the UK on the 23rd march, i'm definately gonna see this, it looks epic.
On another note The main character of the God of War series is a spartan, not that this has anything to do with the film, but if popular games to film conversions are concerned i think God of War would make a great film. With 300 doing so well i think a God of War film may be on the way...
Stampeding People
Here's a random video. it just made me laugh so i thought i'd post it.
Asians Are Funny - Funny bloopers are a click away
The guy at the end must of thought a bomb was gonna go off. LOL.
Asians Are Funny - Funny bloopers are a click away
The guy at the end must of thought a bomb was gonna go off. LOL.
Friday, 9 March 2007
Mario Galaxy GDC trailer
Wow, i gotta say this looks sick.
Mario Galaxy graphically looks great and by the looks of it the gameplay i'm sure is going to be top notch.
Mario Galaxy graphically looks great and by the looks of it the gameplay i'm sure is going to be top notch.
Cris angel WTF!!!
I just happened see an episode of Criss Angel on ITV2 the other day, and i gotta say he is quite a magician. Here is one of his trick i found on youtube.
I guessing he's been about for a while as this clip was uploaded in june 2006, but his tricks are freaky, but blatently the crowds are in on the act as well.
I guessing he's been about for a while as this clip was uploaded in june 2006, but his tricks are freaky, but blatently the crowds are in on the act as well.
Thursday, 8 March 2007
Valencia Vs Inter Milan Mass Brawl.
You might of heard about this fight, that broke out once the game had finished on Tuesday night. Well if you didn't see it here it is.
Not Exactly sure why the fight broke out, but i heard this was boiling over from a match that happened between the 2 clubs, 3 years ago. In the match Inter Milan beat Valencia 5-1, and ever since then Valencia have been talking about revenge.
It seems like they got their revenge, not only did Valencia knock Inter Milan out of the Champions league, it seems like a few Inter players got knocked out, literally.
Not Exactly sure why the fight broke out, but i heard this was boiling over from a match that happened between the 2 clubs, 3 years ago. In the match Inter Milan beat Valencia 5-1, and ever since then Valencia have been talking about revenge.
It seems like they got their revenge, not only did Valencia knock Inter Milan out of the Champions league, it seems like a few Inter players got knocked out, literally.
PS3s answer to Xbox Live and the Wiis virtual console
Its called "HOME", which was unveiled at GDC (games developer conference) this year, check it out.
I think it is a bit much, to tell you the truth, it seems like they want people to live in this virtual reality world and forget about their lives.
There is only a couple of multiplayer features pointed out, so it seems like the gaming part of it, is just an after thought, and seems more like building a community like "myspace".
But i gotta say it does look impressive.
I think it is a bit much, to tell you the truth, it seems like they want people to live in this virtual reality world and forget about their lives.
There is only a couple of multiplayer features pointed out, so it seems like the gaming part of it, is just an after thought, and seems more like building a community like "myspace".
But i gotta say it does look impressive.
Tuesday, 6 March 2007
Crazy drifting
You've heard of tokyo drift now get ready for Arabian drift (yeh i no, its lame ...but it had to be done).
From the far east to the middle east, drifting looks like it is taking over. I would start drifting but the last time that happened I crashed into another car and got my car written off, LOL .
From the far east to the middle east, drifting looks like it is taking over. I would start drifting but the last time that happened I crashed into another car and got my car written off, LOL .
A cool 3D animation
I was sent this 3d animation and i think it is excellent.
It was used created in 8 months by Justin Henton , and is really impressive for a student film.
It was used created in 8 months by Justin Henton , and is really impressive for a student film.
Monday, 5 March 2007
Ghost Rider

As you can tell by this poster the film was delayed, it was suppose to be out last summer, they probably delayed it to add more action sequences or something ... Yeh can someone point out to me what they added.
let me some up the film in a few points:
- The plot is predicable but is forgiveable.
- The Fights with the baddies are so crap, they could of at least thrown a punch or something, they just talk and die.
- the action is poor, the CG could of been better, although they got the look of ghost rider perfectly.
- Eva Mendes looks Hot.
So other than Eva mendes there isn't much to the film, i wouldn't recommend this film, because there isn't anything entertaining about this film and i can't see why they delayed it.
Sunday, 4 March 2007
Dark sector
This game looks like a proper next gen title.
It uses the same perspective as Resident Evil 4. This probably shows how Resident evil 5 will look like.
It uses the same perspective as Resident Evil 4. This probably shows how Resident evil 5 will look like.
Friday, 2 March 2007
Sony goes Bankrupt
Nah, not really. I just found this video which probably shows the future.
LOL, that phil harrison interview is so life like.
LOL, that phil harrison interview is so life like.
Another top gear clip
This clips shows us a couple of things:
- OAPs are more dangerous at driving than anone else
- What happens when a train hits a renault espace.
Not really much point to the video, but i thought it was funny. *LOL*.
Thursday, 1 March 2007
Europe to get shitty PS3s!!!

Sony have just annouced that the european ps3 will be shipped with different hardware, that will only support a limited range of PS2 titles.
Not only have we had to wait longer for the PS3, we are now gonna receive an inferior machine to what the US gamers have. I think they did this because they weren't able to resolve that problem with the US PS3s, which made Ps2 games look shittier on a PS3. They just seem to cut across that problem and hope this is good enough , well it isn't.
In my opinion it isn't that big of a set back, because your gonna buy the PS3 for the PS3 games and all that Blu-ray crap, but in saying that your gonna expect some great launch title ....well resistance fall of man ....nah that aint good enough.
Sony need to think what would benefit the consumer more than benefitting them, because thats all they've done, they're just watching their backs. Hopefully the PS3 flops even harder, and sony learn from their mistakes.
I found this out from gamespot, heres the link:
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