Wednesday, 23 May 2007
New Timbaland Music video
I think the Video looks cool, its a Sin City style video and its got some Wrestling chicks, whats not to like. I do like the song but i do think there are better tracks on the album, so i'm surprised to see this track have its own video.
Sunday, 20 May 2007
Rambo 4
Fresh off the success of Rocky Balboa, Slys back with another sequel, and it looks like quiet a dark and gory film.
I'm not too sure, whether this is the official trailer or if it is a fan made trailer. To me it doesn't look that great but i'm sure it'll be in the same league as Rocky Balboa was and Rocky wasn't bad at all.
a new 200mph car ....and its a VW GOLF!!!

This is what the Super Golf looks like:
It Doesn't looks any better than the other two and it doesn't look that much different compared to the standard 3 door Golf. So it hasn't won me over on the looks department.
Where this Extreme Golf does win a few points in, is the engineering department, they have used the same engine that is used in the VW Phaeton, which is a expensive luxury saloon with a hugely wasted engine. The VW engineers have added an extra 200 BHP to the phaetons engine and stuffed it in this car, so it turns out a total of 641 BHP. This means the car can go from 0-62mph in 3.7 seconds (that's supercar speed) and reach a top speed of 202 mph.
As impressive as the figures are, VW have decided not to build this car for production, this is probably because they won't make any money from it, and you probably wouldn't be able to drive it on normal roads like all super cars.
SO my question is why make one in the first place?
Wednesday, 9 May 2007
Mortal Kombat vs Street fighter part 3
Click here for the whole thing. MK VS SF3
As you can tell there are 3 part to this at the moment, below are links to the previous 2: installments.
the series is being created by a guy who goes by the name "Proxicide". I think it looks excellent, but i think the sets used in the second one looked better, buts that me being picky, otherwise it is excellent.
Saturday, 5 May 2007
Spiderman 3: The Review

If you want to see it, I would recommend watching it with as little expectation as possible. Let me explain, before I saw the film, I saw numerous trailers which implied that venom would be a huge part of this film, unfortunately he is overshadowed by a love story which drags way too much through out the film, which wouldn't be a bad thing but i think it is handled wrongly in this film.
The Action doesn't seem to better the action sequences in Spiderman 2, and thats saying something. Spiderman 2 came out 3 years ago, yet the effects and action sequences look similar. Sandman looks like something from the mummy (but wot more can you do with a monster made out of sand, so I'll let them off) and there are times were Mary-Jane and Harry (goblin dude) look so fake in CG and when Spiderman is taken over by symbiote, you don't see him use the new ability he gains, all you get is him saying, that he feels great and acting all angry and cocky, it would of been nice to see him abuse the powers he gets once he becomes the venom-spiderman, or show some comparison of how much better he becomes once he is in that venom-spiderman suit, I could only imagine what CG they could of used to show this.

There is this one scene which made me laugh so badly it was so wrong. Peter has been taken over by the symbiote and gets Eddy Brock fired, straight after he is dancing along a street, pointing at women who pass him by, he then gets a black suit (not the spidey suit) and starts dancing saturday night fever style, if that wasn't bad enough he continues his dancing (which gets worse) in a jazz club. These scenes did not have too be in the movie, and would of cut 30 minutes off the runtime.

I've heard this is the final Spiderman film, and it shows. As it seems like they've crammed so much into this film, and it looks like the film makers want to end it as they don't leave any loose endings which could suggest a sequels in ways the 1st and 2nd films did. although there is a shot were you see a newspaper heading which clearly states "Doc Ock still at large", which could suggest the return of Doctor octopus in the 4th spidey film. here's a picture.