Sunday 19 August 2007

finally i can update this blog...

Sorry to those 2 people who check this blog, i haven't been able to post anything in a while because I've been busy helping out the family with a few things and I've been a bit lazy as well, but I'm back now to my normal self, so i will be updating on a more regular basis.

So what shud i post ...

Oh here you go, check this video out for Nicole scherzinger first single which is called "whatever U like". The video Features T.I. and some other dude, and is off her first solo album which is called "Her name is Nicole".

I'm not really feeling this tune, i think i'll need to listen to it a few times before i like it, but anyways she looks hot in the video. She's got the crazy chick thing going on here and it kinda reminds me of that video Beyonce did for "Ring the alarm".

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